Autumn people | Allow me to introduce myself | tao of The Addams Family

Magick of the Autumn People
Magick comes in many forms and from many different sources,just like the Autumn People.
To try and narrow down just one specific magickal system for the autumn people, would be like trying to narrow down just one specific religion, it would be impossible. However it is safe to say that all magickal systems and all religions are a part of the autumn people. How can that be true? When many of todays mainstream religions seem to be against people like us? Let us take a look at more "popular" religions, that is to say the more dominant one, christianity . If we look at our culture or subculture, we can see where we were influeneced by christians, especially the beginning founders,the catholics. Our kind were denounced and hunted by them , we were captured and tortured in most bizarre ways. If they think we the ancestors of those poor unfortunates are "weird" , "strange", or worse then their ancestors can take part of the credit. If we have developed a "liking" to instruments of death and torture, then who do they think introduced our kind to them?

But lets not be unfair or unkind to our christian cousins, they were not the only religions that contributed to our modern way of life. There were many others in far off countries that did just as much to influence our way of life. But you have come to learn about our magick, have you not?

Magick of Protection
I will begin by giving you my dear ones a protection spell from overzealous crusaders or slayers.
When in need of protection say this little spell with all the emotion that you can muster.
Elect of all the devilish hosts!
I pray you send hither,
Send hither,send hither,
The great gray shape that makes men shiver!"

Money Magick
Every one needs money at one time or another! Lets begin by gathering our implements, you will need a green candle, 5 shiny new coins of any denomination and spring water. light the candle on the night of a new moon. place the coins in a saucer of the spring water. Recite this as you gaze into the candle,"Dark Mooon empower these seeds of wealth and as I send forth and sow so shall I reap in kind!" Put the coins and water in a hole in the earth. Bless them and thank the Lords and Ladys for their assistance. The spell is complete.